Gian Carlo Zazzeri
Counsellor Olistico S.I.A.F, Counselor Olistico C.S.E.N 3°livello, Maestro delle Arti Evolutive Interiore C.S.E.N, Facilitatore Energetico Vibrazionale, Psychico, Medium, Metafisico, Shamano, Facilitatore Musicale Shamanico, Compositore Musicale Armonizzante a 432hz, Insegnante Olistico e Spirituale Internazionale.
Nato nel regno Unito da un padre Italiano e Madre di origine Francese, Mauriziano e Irlandese, sin dal l’infanzia, Gian carlo era dotato di doni molto paricolari che inizialmente erano la causa di una infanzia ed adolescenza molto difficile. Ma era nella prima fase della sua vita da adulto che Gian Carlo si rendeva conto del suo dono di comunicare e vedere oltre il velo del comune quotidiano, e trasmettere nella realta quotidiana le energie benefiche delle dimensioni più elevate. Una volta compresa e dopo tanto duro lavoro interriore su se stesso fatto con grande pazienza e dedizione, Gian Carlo era in grado di raggiungere la maestria sui suoi doni, dove uno in particolare per i suoi anni di esperienza é quello di cannallizzare costantemente e svillupare metodi olistici innovativi molto incisivi che hanno portato grandi cambiamenti nella vita di molte persone e che fanno tuttora parte del programma del l’Accademia degli Angeli Cristallini.
Un metodo nuovo in particolare che non fa parte del programma del l’Accademia é l’armonizzazione Quantico Transcendentale, ‘ Il Codice di Metatron’ che lui insegna in diverse parti del mondo come Australia, gli U.S.A, Dubai e Canada, dove sta ottenendo un grande successo che presto porterà in Italia, e oltre a questo metodo innovativo, Gian Carlo insegna lo shamanesimo tradizionale come la ruota di medicina dei Nativi Indiani D’America e metodi shamanici degli Aborigeni del l’Australia per il suo trascorso con Manuela in Australia insieme a loro ormai da diversi anni.
Gian Carlo e anche compositore musicale e musicista shamanico dove ha creato un nuovo genere di musica olistica chiamata Musica Elettronica Transcendentale con effetti visivi, che sta portando in diverse parti del mondo per risvegliare le coscienze delle persone ed oltre questa forma di musica innovativa, Gian Carlo sta sempre portando le sue note spirituali tradizionali con il tamburo shamanico degli Indiani d’America accompagnato da canti Indiani canalizzati dalle sue guide Indiane, il didgeridoo Australiano, strumento sonoro armonizante molto potente, il tutto combinato con la musica Celtica tradizionale, il suono degli elementi della natura e gli animali.
In questo momento Gian Carlo per le sue qualità musicali sta svillupando un nuovo progetto internazionale chiamato semplicemente Musica per l’Anima.
I doni di Gian Carlo in parte arrivano dalla linea generazionale di sua madre dove suo zio era uno shamano molto conosciuto sul l’isola delle Mauritious e con la sua esperienza come shamano, ha già guidato dei ritiri shamanici in luoghi diversi del mondo e continua a farlo dove una tappa importante dei suoi ritiri é l’Amazonia.
E’ creatore del Reiki Trascendentale Quantico, che potete conoscere meglio al link
Curriculum in inglese:
Curriculum Vitae Name: Giancarlo Zazzeri
Date of birth: 20/10/1969
Nationality: British and Italian
Ph.: +61 0406 582943
Email: Link:
I am a passionate and dedicated counsellor and life coach with extensive experience in this sector. As the owner and director of Angeli Cristallini, I provide customized counselling activity to clients who need assistance and guidance in relationship, social, work, educational and everyday life activities. I make sure that each person I follow is gradually able to identify and define their emotional issues through dedicated activities such as therapies, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, interpersonal therapy and other specific therapies.
English: Mothertongue.
Italian: Excellently spocken and written.
Main courses undertaken throughout the years: Qualification: G.C.E. ‘A’ Level Diploma (1988) Institute: Leyton high school for boys – Essex Road, Leyton – London UK
Qualification: Diploma in Wellness 3rd Level Counseling in the Motivational and Holistic industry which is recognised as an equivalent to the bachelor degree in Counselling.
Institute: Ministry of Education University and Research (MIUR) Italy
Other qualifications:
Qualification: Master Life Coach.
Institute: Isabell Von Fallois – Germany.
Main course activities: Non-hypnotic regressions, knowledge on how the subconscious mind works, motivational and holistic methods.
Qualification: Advanced Life Coach.
Institute: Isabell Von Fallois – Germany.
Main activities covered: How to deal with the negative archetypes, reprogramming of the subconscius mind with the EFT method.
Qualification: Advanced Omega Coach.
Institute: Roy Martina Experience
Main activities covered: Methods to relax the mind, transpersonal inductive meditations, advanced knowledge of the subconscious mind and how to reprogram it through hypnosis.
From the year 2014 until 2016
I studied at the Arthur Findley College for Psychics and Mediums to understand in a scientifical way the phenomenon of mediumship and psychic capabilities.
Skills, duties and responsibilities:
- Supporting and helping people on their path of personal and psychological growth through the acquisition of new awareness to improve themselves, their relationships with others and improve their lives.
Training people on the human psyche as well as director of research of new methods to be adopted for the institution’s psychological well-being of the Professional Training Provider.
Working with clients on career, study and employment options by obtaining and examining relevant information according to their abilities and needs.
Providing information and resources to assist clients with job-seeking skills.
Assessing client needs in relation to treatment for drug and alcohol abuse.
Conducting counselling interviews with individuals, couples and family groups assisting the understanding and adjustment of attitudes, expectations and behaviour to develop more effective interpersonal and marital relationships.
Presenting alternative approaches and discussing potential for attitude and behaviour change. Consulting with clients to develop rehabilitation plans taking account of vocational and social needs.
Contributing information, understanding and advice on the learning and behaviour of students, especially those with special needs, and assisting parents and teachers in dealing with these needs may work in a call centre.
Speaker, lecturer and director of studies in workshops and seminars, activities also applied in the management of groups of people.
Coordination and administration of people,projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work(eg. Culture and sports) and at home, etc.
Good familiarity with the modern informatical tecnology, word, exel, powerpoint, office works, adobe photoshop e.c.c.
Interpreting and Translating skills from English to Italian both sides.
Working experience as a Motivational Life Coach, Wellness Counselor Teacher and Conference Speaker. From March 2009 until April 2012
Name and Address of the employer: Centro Olistico “ Serenamente Olos” Viale Partigiani n. 115 – 14100 Asti
Employer. Doctor Paola Macagno. CEO, Psychologist, Educational Director and Professor.
Type of business and sector:
Mental and holistic health.
Kind of employment:
Management of groups, individual coachings, Teacher in workshops, seminars and Conference Speaker.
From Jennuary 2012 to July 2012
Name and address of employer:
Ecologia Spirituale, cesano Maderno (Milan). Employer. Coach Bruno Mauri. CEO, Director Of Education, Trainer and Omega Life Coach.
Type of business and sector:
Mental and holistic health.
Kind of employment and responsibilities:
Vice Ceo, Vice Educational Director, Vice Director of Research, Teacher in workshops, semminars and Conference Speaker.
From June 2012 to December 2012.
Name and address of employer.
Roy Martina Esperience- Holland and Germany.
Employer. Dr Roy Martina, CEO, Director of Education and Professor.
Type of business and sector:
Hollistic and Wellbeing Organization.
Main work tasks and responsibilities.
Management of groups, individual coachings and speaker.
From Febbuary 2012 untill June 2014.
Name and address of employer:
Ombelico del Mondo. Milan Employer: Doctor Eleonora Prazzoli. CEO, Psychologist, Educational Director and Professor.
E.mail: Tell: 0039 338 912 6659
Type of company and work area.
Hollistic and mental wellbeing Organization.
Main work tasks and responsibilities.
Management of groups, individual coachings, Teacher in workshops, seminars and Conference Speaker.
From June 2014 untill September 2016.
ITI, Italian Transpersonal Institute. Milan Lombardia Employer. Doctor Eleonora Prazzoli. CEO, Psychologist, Educational Director and Professor. E.mail: Tell: 0039 338 912 6659
Type of company and work area.
Hollistic and mental wellbeing Organization.
Main work tasks and responsibilities.
Management of groups, individual coaching, Teacher in workshops, seminars and Conference Speaker.
From March 2014 untill now.
Name and address of employer:
Angeli Cristallini. Frazione Casabianca 114 (Asti). Employer. Doctor Manuela Bollea, CEO, Counselor, Educational Director and Professor. E-mail Tel: 0039 340 790 2827
Type of company and work area.
La scuola degli Angeli Cristallini. Transpersonal Wellness School for the professional training and education of 1st level Wellness Counsellors, Transpersonal and Motivational Coaches and Holistic Coaches.
Main work tasks and responsibilities.
Vice CEO, Director of research, Management of groups, individual coaching, Teacher in workshops, seminars and Conference Speaker.
Some of the most recent workshops, lectures and conferences conducted:
In the quality of teacher and educational director. Asti, March 2011. In the quality of teacher and educational director.
Transpersonal workshop for personal and collective growth. Creating your personal inner positive archetipe level 1
How to develop and communicate with your positive inner archetype.
Chivasso(To) – November 2011.
In the quality of teacher and educational director. Transpersonal workshop for personal and collective growth. Creating your personal inner positive archetipe level 2 , the collective consciousness. How to develope a collective positive inner archetype and use it as your personal example for team work.
Chivasso(To) – March 2012.
In the quality of vice teacher and vice educational director. Workshop for personal and collective growth. Ecologia interiore level 1 How to tap into the subconscious and reprograme it with the EFT method.
Asti (To) – May 2012
In the quality of teacher and educational director.
The primordial access code to personal empowerment.
Transpersonal workshop for personal and collective growth.
Exploring the ancient memory of the mind. How to tap into the reptilian brain and theories on its genetical memory as an important access key to tap into our authentic capabilities.
Milano – February 2013.
In the quality of teacher and educational director.
Transpersonal workshop for personal and collective growth. The Angelic Archetypes in our lives.
The historical and scientifical research on the religous archetypes and how to mentaly use them as constructs of the subconscious mind for personal growth.
Lugano(switzerland) – February 2013.
In the quality of teacher and educational director.
Transpersonal workshop for personal and collective growth.
The Angelic Archetypes in our lives.
The historical and scientifical research on the religous archetypes and how to mentaly use them as constructs of the subconscious mind for personal growth.
Jesolo – June 2013.
In the quality of motivational, and scientific conference speaker to explain theories on new methods for transpersonal counselling.
The Symposium of knowledge. Motivational and holistic wellness summit.
Riva del Garda – April 2014.
In the quality of Vice CEO, Director of Research and Teacher.
The innauguration and opening of La Scuola degli Angeli Cristallini. The first Transpersonal school developed by me and my wife for professional Transpersonal Coaches and first level Wellness Counsellors accredited by the Italian bodies for counsellors, Trainers and Holistic Operators. SIAF, ASPIN CSEN and M.I.U.R, the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research of the duration of one and a half year. This is one of other 8 schools that were opened and successfully conducted.
Cagliari – August 2016 In the quality of teacher and educational director.
Workshop for personal and collective growth. Quantum Wellness. The theory and possibilities of quantum fisics applied to holistic counselling.
Vicenza – August 2016.
In the quality of teacher and educational director.
Transpersonal workshop for personal and collective growth.
The inner Ancestral Archetypes. A scientifical approach towards the power animals, the medicine wheel of the native americans and australian aboriginal medicine knowledge for our inner wellness.
Melbourne – Australia January 2017.
In the quality of Motivational and metaphysical conference speaker to explain how the knowlege in quantum physics can benefit in counselling to gain faster and permanent results.
Mind Body and Spirit Festival. Motivational, Health and Holistic Wellness expo and summit.
Melbourne – Australia Jannuary 2017.
In the quality of Motivational and metaphysycal conference speaker to explain how the knowlege in quantum physics can benefit in counselling to gain faster and permanent results.
Organised conference and lecture at the Shambalah Wellness and Conference Center.
Melbourne – Australia March 2017
In the quality of Motivational and metaphysical conference speaker to explain how women can rapidly change negative family issues.
Organised conference and lecture at the Ultimate Womans Weekend at the Melbourne Expo Centre.
Melbourne – Australia March 2017
In the quality of Teacher and Educational Director. Transpersonal workshop for personal and collective growth based upon the principles of quantum physics. Holographic Mutidimensional Trans Healing. 1st level of 4.
Dubai- United Arab Emirates
June 2017- Angelic Quantum Healing workshop and individual consultations.
December 2017- Angelic Quantum Healing workshop and individual consultations.
March 2018- Angelic Quantum Healing workshop and individual consultations.
July 2018- Angelic Quantum Healing workshop and individual consultations.
From 2013 to 2018
Several online workshops were developed for groups, and individuals.
The positive archetypes in our lives online level 1,2 and 3.
Create your inner balance.
Quantum Emotional Ballance.
The logical wisdom of the quantum mind.
Rediscover your extrasensorial gifts.
Overall workshops developed and conducted from 2009 until now: 64.
Overall conferences as a pubblic speaker conducted from 2009 until now: 78.
Overall certificate level 1 counseling schools of the duration of one and a half year developed, opened and successfully conducted from 2014 until now: 8.
Overall work hours done as a Teahcer, Educational Director and Conference speaker from 2009 untill now: 7840.
Overall work hours within the Coaching and Counseling activity from 2009 untill now: 19016.
Overall work years as a Coach and Counselor: 10.
February 1989 until november 2014
Service Country: Italy
Branch: Special Airborn Regiment Tuscania, Rank: Corporal.
Military Police Force (Carabinieri) Rank: Sergeant Major.
The green and white cross.
For my years of highly dedicated and loyal service without disciplinary records and for my successfull achievements during my duties.
The yellow and blue cross.
For my courage and determination demonstrated during my duties in a highly risky work situation and environment.
CIVILIAN AWARDS Master in the Arts of Inner Evolution September 2015
An honorary title and diploma awarded to me from the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research for my dedicated and fast paced counseling career with its high concentration of work experiences and successful results in a very short amount of years until 2015.
While I was studying for my diploma in 3rd level Wellness Councelling during my career in the Italian Military Police Force, I had the permission from the high official ranks to work with a team of psychologists to help prisoners, and most of my duties for a certain period of time for my empathic capabilities was working closely with prisoners to help them overcome their negative issues.
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